Niepokojące pamiątki: kurator i muzeum w strefie konfliktów kulturowych
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• Clifford James
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• Clifford James
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• Edgar David
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• Ellison Julie
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• Feldman Jackie
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• Greenberg Reesa
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• Gruber Ruth Ellen
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• Katriel Tamar
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• Keff Bożena
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• Khan Neseem
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• Klekot Ewa
: “A Journey to the Land of the People: ‘Ethno’ in Polish Design”. 2+3D, special edition: 68–72.
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• Kroh, Antoni
: “Vernacular Art – Traps and Paradoxes”. In Vernacular Art in Central Europe, edited by Jacek Purchla, 391–397. Krakow: International Cultural Centre.
• Kugelmass Jack
: “Bloody Memories: Encountering the Past in Contemporary Poland”. Cultural Anthropology 10, no. 3: 279–301.
• Kurin Richard
: “The Festival of American Folklife: Building on Tradition”. 1991 Festival of American Folklife. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution: 7–20.
• Lehrer Erica
: Jewish Poland Revisited: Heritage Tourism in Unquiet Places. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
• Lehrer Erica (ed.)
: Na szczęście to tylko Żyd / Lucky Jews. Kraków: Ha!art.
• Lehrer Erica, Ramsay Lauren
: “Collecting (as) Dialogue? International Collaborative Collecting and ‘Difficult’ Objects”. Comcol International Committee for Collecting Newsletter 22 (July): 16–21.
• Lehrer Erica, Waligórska Magdalenda
: “Cur(at)ing History: new genre art interventions and the Polish-Jewish past”. East European Politics & Society. Published online March, paper July.
• Mensch Léontine Meijer-van, Kawęcka Dorota, Janus Aleksandra
: “Strategien zum Schutz jüdischen Kulturerbes in Polen”. In Partizipative Erinnerungsräume: Dialogische Wissensbildung in Museen und Ausstellungen, edited by Feliz Ackerman, Anna Boroffka, and Gregor H. Lersch, 207–20. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript.
• Musial Stanisław
: „Czarne jest czarne”. Tygodnik Powszechny, November 16. Accessed May 26, 2014.
• Oleszkiewicz Małgorzata, Pyla Grażyna (eds.)
: Czar Zabawek Krakowskich. Kraków: Muzeum Etnograficzne im. Seweryna Udzieli w Krakowie.
• Ostachowicz Igor
: Noc Żywych Żydów. Warsaw: WAB.
• Peressut Luca, Lanz Francesca, Postiglione Gennaro (eds.)
: European Museums in the 21st Century: setting the framework. Volume 2. Milan: Politecnico di Milano.
• Phillips Ruth
: Trading Identities: The Souvenir in Native North American Art from the Northeast, 1700–1900. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
• Pinto Diana
: “Can One Reconcile the Jewish World and Europe?” In The New German Jewry and the European Context: The Return of the European Jewish Diaspora, edited by Michal Y. Bodeman, 13–32. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
• Pinto Diana
: “Fifty Years after the Holocaust: Building a New Jewish and Polish Memory”. East European Jewish Affairs 26, no. 2: 79–95.
• Price Sally
: Paris Primitive: Jacques Chirac’s Museum on the Quai Branly. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
• Rajkowska Joanna
: Where the Beast is Buried. Winchester & Washington: Zero Books.
• Robotycki Czesław
: “Antropologia kultury w Polsce – projekt urzeczywistniony”. Lud 78: 69–86.
• Rosen Joseph
: “Lunch with the Führer: Holocaust comedy, Trauma, and the Enemy”. Poesis: 6: 30–45.
• Schneider Arnd, Wright Christopher (eds.)
: Contemporary Art and Anthropology. Oxford, UK and New York: Berg.
• Sheramy Rona
: “From Auschwitz to Jerusalem: Re-enacting Jewish History on the March of the Living”. Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 19: 307–26.
• Smith Craig S.
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• Soja Edward W.
: Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places, London: Blackwell.
• Stauter-Halstead Keely
: The Nation in the Village: The Genesis of Rural National Identity in Austrian Poland, 1848–1900. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
• Strong Pauline Turner
: “Exclusive Labels: Indexing the National ‘We’ in Commemorative and Oppositional Exhibitions”, Museum Anthropology 21, no. 1: 42–56.
• Szczurek Małgorzata (ed.)
: Sto i pół. Opowieści z Muzeum Etnograficznego w Krakowie. Kraków: Muzeum Etnograficzne im. Seweryna Udzieli w Krakowie.
• Tokarska-Bakir Joanna
: “Poland as the sick man of Europe?” Eurozine, May 30. Accessed May 25, 2014.–05–30-tokarska-en.html.
• Tokarska-Bakir Joanna
: ”’The Hanging of Judas’; or, Contemporary Jewish Subjects”. Polin: Studies in Polish
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• Tokarska-Bakir Joanna
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• Waligórska Magdalena
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• Zimmerman Joshua (ed.)
: Contested Memories: Poles and Jews During the Holocaust and its Aftermath. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
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