Characterization of the algebraic difference of special affine Cantor sets
Cantor sets, Cantorvals, algebraic difference of sets, p-adic sets, sets of P-sumsAbstract
We investigate some self-similar Cantor sets $C(l,r,p)$, which we call S-Cantor sets, generated by numbers $l,r,p \in \N$, $l+r< p$. We give a full characterization of the set $C(l_1,r_1,p)-C(l_2,r_2,p)$ which can take one of the form: the interval $[-1,1]$, a Cantor set, an L-Cantorval, an R-Cantorval or an M-Cantorval. As corollaries we give examples of Cantor sets and Cantorvals, which can be easily described using some positional numeral systems.References
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