Personality footballers AMP Futbol
Personality, AMP football, Sports persons with disabilities, Football, Persönlichkeit, Amp Futbol, Sport von behinderten Menschen FußballAbstract
Personality traits are the variables significantly related to the functioning of sporting activities. Today, most research in sport refers to the trait approach to personality. Hence, in the first place, selected constructs in this field will be briefly characterized. It is often the case that people with disabilities have to fight with themselves. Perhaps, selected personality traits might be of an influence. The aim of this study was to compare the level of personality traits of athletes with disabilities with the average value in the normative group.
The study was conducted on a group of 16 players representing the team of unilateral amputee footballers. The study was conducted using a personality questionnaire NEO-FFI in the month of March 2015.
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