Vaping – A Beneficial Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes or an Unexplored Danger?
vaping, e-cigarettes, smoking, COPD, nicotine replacement therapyAbstract
The aim of this study is to assess the risks associated with e-cigarette use, particularly in the context of cardiovascular and respiratory health. In addition, the article addresses the social aspect of vaping as a significant challenge faced by national public health institutions, with a special focus on the prevalence of addiction among youth.
We carried out a comprehensive review using PubMed and Google Scholar, with a primary focus on literature published within five to eight years. The searches were performed using “vaping”, “e-cigarettes”, “smoking”, “COPD”, “nicotine replacement therapy” and the names of its components as search terms to retrieve relevant articles. Furthermore, references cited in the selected articles were also included in the analysis.
The current evidence suggests that while e-cigarettes may pose a lower risk than traditional cigarettes, they are not risk-free. Dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes increases cardiovascular risk and is comparable to the risks associated with exclusive cigarette smoking. Studies suggest that long-term e-cigarette use may result in increased aortic stiffness, elevated heart rate, heightened risk of atherosclerosis and diminished lung function, increased airway resistance, especially in individuals with pre-existing conditions like asthma. Exposure to aerosolized chemicals present in e-liquids poses risks of chronic respiratory diseases.
The precise impact of e-cigarette use on health needs further research and long-term observations. Particular concern arises from the unregulated composition of e-liquids, which are gaining popularity among youth, thereby promoting early nicotine addiction and normalizing the use of tobacco products. Efforts to regulate the composition of e-liquids and the use of harmful additives are crucial to mitigate the potential health risks associated with vaping.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Paulina Błasiak, Aleksandra Ślusarska, Patryk Mikołajec, Barbara Bilecka, Jolanta Mędyk, Małgorzata Wirkijowska, Jakub Wirkijowski, Yauheniya Patarocha, Michał Rogulski, Ruslan Huk

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