Approaches to Treating Tennis Elbow: Surgical vs. Conservative Treatment
conservative treatment, Orthopedics, review, elbow, elbow tendinopathy, Tennis Elbow, SurgeryAbstract
Tennis Elbow, known also as Lateral Epicondylitis (LE) is a very common overuse injury affecting not only tennis players. Mainly, it causes pain, weakness in grip strength and difficulties with daily activities. Most patients are successfully treated with non-surgical methods but some of them eventually require surgical intervention.
Aim of study
The objective of this study is to evaluate both surgical and non-surgical treatment methods for Tennis Elbow and seeks to introduce doctors and patients to the assets and downsides associated with them.
State of Knowledge
Tennis Elbow occurs in 1-3% of adults, most likely when frequently performing repeated movements of flexion and extension of the elbow. At the early stages inflammation is present, after that the vascular hyperplasia and active fibroblasts occur. Most common risk factors are manual labour, ipsilateral rotator cuff tear, ipsilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), female sex, dominant-side involvement, and hypertriglyceridemia.
Summary (Conclusion)
There is a wide range of available conservative treatment methods for Lateral Epicondylitis including physical therapy, various injections, and medication. They should be considered as the first line treatment showing high success rate for mild and moderate cases. Surgical methods have high success rates as well though they are considered more invasive and performed only on chronic patients. Best approach ought to be carefully selected for each patient based on severity of symptoms and patient needs.
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