Mechanisms and research progress of motor imagery combined with action observation in cognitive rehabilitation
Motor imagery, action observation, cognitive rehabilitationAbstract
Introduction:Cognitive deficits refer to impairments in the brain's ability to process information, memory, attention, reasoning, decision-making, and other cognitive functions.Cognitive rehabilitation (CR) is a therapeutic approach aimed at improving cognitive function through various strategies, training, and interventions, ultimately enhancing quality of life. Motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) are key rehabilitation methods in the cognitive domain and have been widely used in related studies. Recently, the combination of motor imagery and action observation therapy (AO+MI) has emerged as a promising research direction, receiving increasing support in the academic community.
Aim of the study:
This study aims to explore the mechanisms behind the combination of action observation and motor imagery (AO+MI) and assess the effectiveness of this innovative approach in cognitive rehabilitation.
Material and methods:
A literature review was conducted by searching databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for English-language articles. Keywords including "motor imagery," "action observation," and "cognitive rehabilitation" were used in the search.
Both motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) have demonstrated positive effects on cognitive function. However, the combination of MI and AO may produce three distinct states that require further investigation. Preliminary findings suggest that AO+MI has shown promising results in enhancing corticospinal excitability (CE), benefiting children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), and improving outcomes in stroke patients. However, some scholars have raised concerns, emphasizing the need for further experimental validation.
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