Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis: Surgical Release vs. Conservative Therapy
plantar fasciitis, tendinosis, heel pain, surgical treatment, conservative treatment, Achilles tendonAbstract
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common reasons for visits to orthopedic
clinics. This tendinopathy can cause medial heel pain, stiffness, and tenderness
on the plantar surface of the foot. Both conservative and surgical methods are
employed in its treatment.
The aim of this study is to evaluate selected conservative treatment methods,
such as stretching, the use of orthotic insoles, splints, injections, extracorporeal
shockwave therapy, and taping, as well as surgical treatment options. The study
presents a comparison of these methods in terms of their effectiveness,
advantages, and disadvantages.
State of Knowledge
The plantar fascia is a stiff, connective tissue structure extending along the
plantar surface of the foot. Biomechanical load on the fascia, which supports the
medial longitudinal arch, can lead to degenerative changes that underlie plantar
fasciitis. Symptoms include pain, particularly in the mornings and late evenings,
which intensifies with palpation of the heel area.
Summary (Conclusions)
Conservative treatments for plantar fasciitis are effective in 90% of patients.
There are no studies that conclusively demonstrate the superiority of one
treatment method over another. Thus, the choice of therapy should be tailored to
the patient's lifestyle, activity level, and financial capability. Surgical
intervention is necessary in cases of chronic plantar fasciitis which remains
resistant to conservative treatments.
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