Tick-Borne Encephalitis the situation in Poland 2024 - concern that warrants attention?
tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis virus, vaccination, epidemiology, Poland, global warmingAbstract
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a zoonotic infectious disease and the leading cause of viral meningitis in Poland. In recent years, there has been a marked increase in TBE cases, a trend possibly linked to global climate changes that are facilitating the spread of its primary vector, the Ixodes Ricinus tick species.
Aim of the Study
This paper aims to review the current understanding of tick-borne encephalitis and emphasize the importance of preventive measures.
Materials and Methods
This review compiles data from various sources, including recent epidemiological studies, clinical reports, and public health records. It examines the clinical progression of TBE, from the initial viremic phase to the possible development of severe neurological symptoms. Epidemiological data are analyzed to identify trends in TBE incidence, with a particular focus on how climate change affects the distribution and activity of tick populations.
The review underscores that TBE is an escalating public health issue in Poland, with incidence rates increasing alongside climate-induced changes in tick habitats. Effective prevention, particularly through vaccination, is essential for reducing the impact of TBE. However, despite the availability of effective vaccines, vaccination rates remain low in Poland. This highlights the need for improved public health efforts to promote vaccination and educate at-risk populations. Addressing the TBE threat requires a comprehensive strategy that includes better surveillance, preventive measures, and strong public health initiatives to protect against this increasingly common disease.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Julia Silldorff, Tomasz Fura, Marcin Dudek, Radosław Zaucha, Zuzanna Felińska, Oliwia Iszczuk, Stanisław Anczyk, Magdalena Gajkiewicz, Małgorzata Zając

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