Knee joint injuries in football players: types of injuries, etiology, diagnostics and prevention
knee injuries in soccer, soccer players injuries, ACL tear, MCL injury, meniscus injury, PCL and LCL tearAbstract
Football stands as the most widely embraced organized sport globally, boasting a staggering participation of over 200 million males and 21 million females officially registered under the auspices of the Fèdèration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Knee injuries are one of the most common health issues among soccer players at various levels of expertise. They arise from the intense nature of the game, which requires quick turns, running, jumping, kicking, and sudden changes in direction. These stresses can lead to strains and injuries in the structures of the knee joint, including ligaments, meniscus, tendons, and other soft tissues. This study gathers information about the most common types of knee injuries in soccer players, including situations in which these injuries occur, methods of diagnosis, treatment options, and strategies for injury prevention.
The aim of this study is to gather and analyse the studies about knee injuries in soccer players at various levels of expertise.
Materials and Methods
Review and summary of research studies available in databases on Google Scholar and PubMed. Databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar were searched using the keywords: ‘soccer knee injuries’, ‘soccer injuries’, ‘ACL tear’, ‘MCL injury’, ‘meniscus injury’, ‘PCL and LCL tear’.
Soccer, as a high-contact sport, inherently carries a significant risk of various injuries, particularly to the knees. The prevalence of knee injuries, such as ACL, MCL, and meniscus tears, underscores the importance of effective prevention strategies. Proper warm-ups and specialized preventive exercises, such as those in the FIFA 11+ program, are crucial in reducing the incidence of these injuries. Injuries can severely impact a player's career, leading to long-term health consequences. Therefore, timely and accurate diagnosis, along with appropriate treatment, is essential for recovery and career longevity.
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