The Rio 20+ process, the idea of sustainable development - current and historical legal perspectives for sport and tourism
sustainable development, RIO20+ process, RIO20+, sport, tourismAbstract
The article presents the characteristics and main assumptions of the RIO 20+ Process, and also focuses on the European Union's support for the idea of sustainable development in the world. The starting point for further considerations in the article is to explain what the Rio 20+ Process is, what are its goals, main assumptions and how this process functioned in 2012. The work will discuss the document entitled "The future we want" in the context of sport and tourism. Conclusions will also be formulated regarding the idea to address this issue during the Polish Presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2025. The article uses the dogmatic and exegetical method, documents that were produced under the so-called Rio 20+ concept. The article presents the personal views of the authors and cannot be interpreted as the position of any authority, entity or institution. The article presents the legal status as of January 1, 2023.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Małgorzata Bugajska, Szymon Raniszewski, Mateusz Tomanek, Dominik Borek
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