Human capital and recruitment processes for the position of a trainer in Poland
A high sports score is composed of many factors that determine the final result. It is difficult to state clearly which of them are the most important ones. However, it can be said that a right human material is necessary for success in sport. At the same time players with specific predispositions and highly qualified trainers, who together with their mentees aim at a specific goal to a certain degree, are needed. Researchers have already dealt with the designation of the most important predictors of sporting success in the last century. The process of determining the gradation of factors is extremely difficult and complicated. Nevertheless, it is the player's relationship with the coach that seems to be one of the most important aspects in the training process. Hence, the purpose of the work is to try to describe recruitment processes for the position of a trainer in Poland. Referring to the hypotheses and research questions, the authors showed some premises that might affect the selection of trainers in sport. Moreover, they might have some impact on the position of Polish sports disciplines in world rankings.References
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