From the Patent to the Concept of Free Revealing – Closed and Open Model of Industrial Property
patent, industrial property, free revealing, inventionsAbstract
This article is based on literature studies, comparative analysis of two different models to stimulate innovative solutions and protect industrial property rights – particularly rights to inventions. For this purpose, the most important assumptions and the essence of traditional patent system based on institutional protection as well as concepts of free revealing (free access) and open innovation (open invention) were characterized. The paper also presents potential strengths and weaknesses of presented approaches – closed (traditional) and open inventiveness. The article gives value to the argument that, given real shortcomings, the most effective way to create and commercialize inventions would be one of a complementary nature, taking into account solutions offered by each of the presented approaches, changing current innovation policy. On the one hand, modern companies should not give up institutional protection of their developed technology solutions and carrying out R&D, on the other, they will be increasingly forced to resort to modern tools of stimulating innovations based on openness, direct market communication and flexible approach to innovation processes of products and services.
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