Econometric Models in Resident Value of Investment
resident value, estimation of investment’s efficiencyAbstract
The aim of the study is to analyze what is the impact of: analyze period, resident value estimation method, discount rate and economic sector of the investor on the level of resident value to initial value of investment ratio. In the article, basing on 43 investments made by investors form MSP sector whose purpose was to purchase truck car of capacity to 3,5t, four econometric models were prepared: logit, probit, tobit, and logit-tobit to explain the dependence described in the aim of the study. All models are statistically important. In all models only one independent variable is always statistically important – analyze period. The longer analyze period is, the smaller resident value to initial value of investment ratio is. In order to compare models: MSE, RMSE, MAE, MAPE ratios were used. The best adaptation to data was observed when logit-tobit model is used.
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