Property Rights as a Factor of Foreign Direct Investment. The Case of Poland
property rights, foreign direct investment, institutions, corruptionAbstract
Clearly defined property rights enable people and business to make contracts over such property, and thus to engage in business – most business transactions concern the transfer of some sort of property, or rights to property. It seems that property rights have huge influence on foreign direct investment inflow, especially in the Polish economy. Therefore, the aim of this article is to verify the hypothesis that property rights are an important factor for foreign direct investment flow. The object of the research is the Polish economy in the years 1994- 2011. The first part of this paper shows the dynamics and structure of FDI inflows to the Polish economy in the years 1994-2011. Next two parts clarify the idea of property rights, their transformation, importance to the growth and foreign direct investment inflow. Verification of the hypothesis will be made on the basis of domestic and foreign literature.
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