Eco-innovations and Their Role in Contemporary Business
eco-innovation, green innovation, CSR, innovation, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Eco-innovations become a more and more significant aspect in
management theory and business practice. The concept is considered to
be a solution linking the ideas of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and
innovation. The aim of the study is to discuss the eco-innovations concept
and their role in contemporary business. In order to meet the aim of the
paper, the following operational objectives were indicated: (1) to present
and discuss definitions of the eco-innovations concept; (2) to exemplify
different types, antecedents and dimensions of eco-innovations; (3) to
identify benefits of eco-innovations; (4) to consider eco-innovations as
a source of potential competitive advantage. This study is based on the
methodology of systematic literature review. The article exemplifies
the definitions of eco-innovations, their types, antecedents and different
dimensions. Later, it is discussed the role of eco-innovations in building
the competitive advantage. The study confirms that eco-innovations
can generate benefits for businesses and their environment. Thus, the
role of eco-innovations in contemporary business can be considered as
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