Leadership and Knowledge Management: Systematic Literature Review
leadership, knowledge management, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to identify and explore the leading topics in research on relationship between leadership and knowledge management in order to contribute to mapping the research field. The study makes an attempt to provide response to the following research questions: (1) what are the leading topics of scientific research on relationship between leadership and knowledge management; (2) what is the status of research within the identified thematic areas? Design/methodology/approach: Systematic literature review is the research methodology applied to achieve the aim of the study. The study is based on the data retrieved from the Scopus database. Findings: The study has identified the three following lines of research focused on intersections between leadership and knowledge management: (1) the impact of knowledge management and leadership on employee behaviours, (2) impact of knowledge management and leadership on innovations, (3) the relationship between leadership and knowledge management. Research and practical implications: Identifying and exploring the aforementioned lines of research contributes to mapping the research landscape and may be useful for researchers planning further studies combining leadership and knowledge management as variables. Originality/value: Due to the theoretical character of the study, it generates added value mainly for development of theory. Revising and categorising the amassing scientific production into thematic areas is important for better understanding of the conceptual structure of the research field. Paper type: Literature review.
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