The System of Public-Private Partnership in the Sphere of State Policy Implementation of Circular Economy
circular economy, public policy, public administration, public-private partnershipAbstract
Purpose: The aim of research is to study the system of interaction between the state and the private sector and provide improvement recommendations in order to ensure implementation of the state policy about the circular economy.
Design/methodology/approach: The research uses scientific methods of analysis and synthesis to form a system of projects of the circular economy on the basis of public-private partnership, as well as methods of generalization and grouping to improve the components of the public administration mechanisms. Findings: The article substantiates the necessity of developing publicprivate partnership in the direction of projects for the modernization and development of the real economy sector, in the particular implementation of circular economy projects. A system of public-private partnership to ensure the implementation of the state policy of the circular economy has been built. Research and practical implications: The practical significance of scientific results lies in substantiatin g the approach to improving publicprivate partnership in general, and creating a system of public-private partnership in the circular economy in particular, which is a prerequisite for motivating businesses to implement projects, as it allows the latter to gain competitive advantage in a market economy. Originality/value: The system of realization of circular economy projects on the basis of public-private partnership is formed, including: definition of the concept of “public-private partnership in the circular economy”, the ways and forms of its realization, and the mechanisms of state management of circular economy projects on the basis of publicprivate partnership. Paper type: original research.
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