Leadership Characters in the Book of Ruth: A Narrative Analysis
leadership characters, Bible, the Book of RuthAbstract
This article delineates a ground work for shaping Christian leadership characters by examining the book of Ruth, a narrative of cooperation. First, we introduce the general Biblical wisdom, guidance, and religious precepts on leadership characters from the Bible per se. Second, we depict a synopsis and connotation of the Ruth Narrative combined with the historical background of the late Judges time when Naomi, Elimelech, Ruth and Boaz lived and the social and religious background of Moab where the family of Elimelech dwelt in for ten years. Third, based on those background analyses, the main figures’ dialogues, and their actions, we illustrate their positive servant and mentor leadership characters that include a combination of their distinguished traits and cognitive attributes, as well as some weaknesses of Naomi and Elimelech. In a nutshell, Naomi’s leadership characters contain loyalty to God (2:19 – 20), discovering value within (3:1 – 4), and patience and endurance (3:18). Ruth’s leadership characters incorporate faithfulness and positive self-esteem (1:16 – 17), pioneer and daring (2:2), deference (2:10), obedience (3:5), and loving-kindness (3:10). Boaz’s leadership characters include respect (2:4), care (2:5), compassion (2:8 – 9, 11), empowerment (2:15 – 16), leaning on and trusting God (2:12), care (2:14; 3:15), protecting the weak (3:10 – 15), responsibility (3:12), moral integrity and justness (3:13), carefulness (3:14), formation (4:1), unselfishness and cleverness (4:3 – 5), and partnering (4:9 – 10). While we criticize Elimelech’s risk seeking strategy to migrate their family to a pagan country (1:1 – 2) as a spiritual adventure.
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