Leadership and Knowledge Management: Mapping Intersections with Keywords Analysis
leadership, knowledge management, keywords analysisAbstract
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to identify and map the research output on intersections between leadership and knowledge management.
Design/methodology/approach: Keywords analysis of bibliomet-ric data indexed in Scopus is the main research method applied to conduct the study. The method of systematic literature review is used to outline the theoretical background of the study.
Findings: The publications included in the research samples concerned the topics related to leadership and knowledge man-agement. As for the title sample, the most numerous keywords clusters focused on ‘knowledge and knowledge management’ and ‘leadership and leadership styles’, while in the topic sample the most numerous categories were ‘knowledge and knowledge management’ and ‘human resources and HRM’. Other topics within the area of interest of publications combining the study of leadership and knowledge management include: general and strategic management, organisational learning and innovation, IT and technology. When it comes to studies relating to particular sectoral contexts, education and health care should be mentioned.
Research and practical limitations/implications: In order to mitigate the limitations associated with the study process and increase its objectivity, the following actions are recommended for further research: mapping the research field with other methods (triangulation), replicating the study with the use of IT tools for data analysis and the use of other databases.
Originality/value: The value of the paper is its contribution to the research field through mapping intersections between leader-ship and knowledge management, which has not been completed before.
Paper type: research paper.
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