The Inaugural Lecture of Johann Philipp Breyne in the Gdańsk Societas Litteraria
Johann Philipp Breyne, Societas Litteraria (Gdańsk), natural science (18th century), scientific societies (18th century), Gdańsk (18th century), Royal Prussia (18th century), sourcesAbstract
The first private scientific society in Gdańsk was founded in 1720 under the name Societas Litteraria Cuius Symbolum Virtutis et Scientiarum Incrementa. Initially focused on the humanities, the association changed its research profile in 1721 after admitting Johann Philipp Breyne, a doctor of philosophy and medicine, as a member. In his inaugural lecture, serving as a programmatic manifesto, the scholar outlined the main directions for the society’s development over the next six years, shifting its primary focus from history and law to natural history. The article outlines selected circumstances of successful and unsuccessful attempts to establish scientific societies in Gdańsk up to 1720 and presents the content of J. P. Breyne’s inaugural lecture from 1721.
Źródła archiwalne:
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sygn. M 2 (Matrikelbände), 01.
Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Gdańskiej
sygn. BG BR 504051,
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha
Chart. B 588a (2).
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sygn. UER MS 2680 (Bd. 1),
Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska
Ms 534,; Ms 673;
Ms 2245.
The Library and Archives of the Royal Society
Sherard Correspondence, 252/1; MS/578; EL/C1/105.
The British Library
Sloane Ms 3334; Sloane Ms 4045.
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