The Non-profit Sector and Employment Expansion in the Rural Areas of Hungary
The non-profit sector in Hungary has been studied in connection with its number, spread and regional distribution in the last two decades, but now it is necessary to explore the organizational, functional, employment, financial, co-operation possibilities and limitations of employment-related non-profit organizations. Another new contribution of this paper is that it gives so-called regional need-maps, which can explore unsatisfied demands in services for which employment can be organized. The selection process of the organizations in the study was supported by the list of winners of labour market tenders. These selected organizations are exclusively employment-related ones, and are able to implement labour market programmes. From the point of view of the regional spread of the social economy it is of paramount importance to disclose – even at sub-regional level – the most important unsatisfied needs that would be provided by non-profit organizations. With the non-profit supply of these services in certain small regions up to hundreds of continuous employment problems could be resolved.
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