Knowledge Networking in Agricultural Practice. Case study from Slovenia
educational institution; local association; knowledge networking; expansive learning; cooperationAbstract
This study analyses knowledge networking between educational institution/knowl- edge provider, associations and knowledge users in the agricultural sector within the local environment in Slovenia. It is based on the theory of expansive learning and the concept of knowledge networking. A qualitative research paradigm using ethnography and in-depth semi-structured interviews has been used and involved various actors included in selected activity systems (the educational institution, associations and knowledge users). Our findings indicate that cooperation between associations and the educational institution has advantages for all involved and that, according to research participants, it fosters the transfer of knowledge from the academic/research sphere into practice.
In the case studied, we describe the development of new forms of connections between local knowledge and academic knowledge, both developing as a part of real-world complex learning environment. Knowledge networks have thus been built by enabling the transfer of explicit and tacit knowledge through social networks and by the development of new practices.
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