Cultural and Regional Characterictics of Poverty Segregations (Based on the Examples of Hungarian Peripheral Regions)
segregation, marginalisation, poverty, employment, Roma populationAbstract
The process of segregation is a complex problem affecting both developed and developing states; it is influenced by territorial, historical, demographic and economic impacts. To solve this growing problem, we must know how it is influenced by different factors. In this case, we are able to describe the appropriate strategy. This study examines the characteristics of poverty’s regional segregation in Baranya county, Hungary. It describes and analyses the regularities and correlations at NUTS 3 level and compares four segregated living spaces in different areas of the county. Our theory postulates that segregation has different bases and different attributions according to geographical localisation. Due to the different and well-chosen research areas, this study is able to highlight these aforementioned regional differences and characteristics. According to the results, we create a standardisation system to form the basis for future studies and strategies. After all of the study analyses, the local conditions are categorised based on the previously established standardisation system. The results of this study can help manage the problems of marginalised social groups and territorial segregation and also create a strategy to handle them.
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