Monarchia uniwersalna w filozofii politycznej Dantego Alighieri
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
filozofia polityczna, Monarchia Uniwersalna, Dante Alighieri,Abstrakt
In the studies of 14th century political philosophy, interest in two figures dominates: Marsilius of
Padua and William Ockham. Dante Alighieri is known primarily as a poet, an author of Divine
Comedy, therefore his political thought, usually discussed as a curiosity, an unusual example of
monarchist thought, does not have a well-deserved place in the handbooks of political and legal
doctrines. However, it seems that Dante’s basic political work, Monarchy, can be read as a universal
philosophical treatise, even if some of his arguments relate to the fundamental dispute of
his era. Based on the premise that Monarchy is not a political manifesto of its times, but a philosophical
and political treaty, the article offers an introduction to Dante’s political philosophy and
his concept of a universal monarchy.
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