Monarchia i monarcha w systemie filozoficzno-politycznym Jana z Salisbury
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Jan z Salisbury, monarchia, monarcha, władca, kościół, prawo boskie, prawo, tyran, społeczeństwo, hierarchiaAbstrakt
The paper discusses views presented by John of Salisbury on monarchy and the role of a monarch,
his duties and virtues. John clearly distinguishes between ecclesiastical and temporal power.
Those chosen by God to rule over the people must consider the law – given by God and being
an emanation of the Divine Law, the most important signpost in all their undertakings. The law
must be obeyed by the whole political body – in it’s nature hierarchical, including it’s head: the
monarch. His ultimate task is to fulfil God’s will within the state committed to him. Every king
and prince voluntarily submits himself to the teaching and authority of the church – representing
God and therefore granted position that must be considered superior over the whole society
– including the ruler. For the rest of the society the monarch is a judge and a protector. If he does
not act according to the law of God, he becomes a tyrant and can be certain of the punishment
which will be imposed on him by God. Unlike many of his contemporaries, John believes, that
the virtues are more important than the bloodline of a monarch.
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