„Naród niemiecki jest wspólnotą przeznaczenia” – zarys doktryny i działalności Wspólnoty Walki Rewolucyjnych Narodowych Socjalistów 1930–1939
https://doi.org/10.12775/DP.2018.013Słowa kluczowe:
German nation, nationalism, revolution, national socialism, political thoughtAbstrakt
The Association of Struggle of Revolutionary National Socialists commonly called the "Black Front" was an opposition organization in relation to NSDAP. It based its program on the doctrine developed by Otto Strasser. The aim of the Black Front was to bring about a revolution in a socialist and nationalist spirit. The revolution was supposed to overthrow the Weimar Republic system, as well as Adolf Hitler later. After the Führer came to power, the Black Front became one of the main enemies of the Reich. Many of its members were murdered in the "night of long knives", others were arrested. Until 1945, members of the organization were in exile. After the Second World War many organizations appealed to the idea of the Black Front not only in West Germany, but also in other countries.
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