The interpenetration of Politics and Culture in Education on the Holocaust.
The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
memory policy, education on the Holocaust, Auschwitz, the United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumAbstrakt
A monument - metal chairs from Plac Bohaterów Getta in Kraków, Poland, symbolize the absence of millions of Jews in Poland due to the Holocaust. But in Poland, there is a more horrifying symbol of the Holocaust, and that is Auschwitz. Knowledge of the uniqueness of Nazi genocide against the Jews in Auschwitz has been obvious since 1945, but the People’s Republic of Poland’s historical policy has blurred it and presented it in the context of the extermination of millions of people from different countries.[1] The fact that Auschwitz is the symbol of the Holocaust is attributable to the USA, and the President's [Carter] Commission, which gave rise to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.[2] The article aims to compare Polish
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