Hegemonizm państw Zachodu wobec chińskiej polityki w Hongkongu
https://doi.org/10.12775/DP.2023.005Słowa kluczowe:
Hong Kong, Hong Kong National Security Act, International policy, political and economic sanctions, imperialism, totalitarianismAbstrakt
Hong Kong is one of the world’s largest financial centers, a source of many multinational organizations, banks, companies, etc. Since the beginning of June 2019, mass protests have taken place in Hong Kong, during which there have been violent fights between demonstrators and the police. These protests, as well as the trade war and the growing tension between Washington and Beijing, aroused the anxiety of foreign investors and led to the collapse of Hong Kong’s economy. The article presents the hegemonism of the United States, which decided to use these protests to expand their political and economic influence and interfered without reason in the internal affairs of the PRC. Similarly, the policy of the EU countries, which are so eager to criticize Poland for the lack of the rule of law, in this case was limited to admonishing China for fear of deteriorating mutual trade relations. The main hypothesis of the article is that even if Hong Kong’s status as a financial center suffers some negative impact due to US sanctions, its negative impact on China as a whole, will be quite limited and will only hit Hong Kong’s speculative capital. On the basis of the conducted studies, it can be assumed that the new area of the conflict between the US and the PRC will strengthen Chinese totalitarianism in Hong Kong, which comes down to the total subordination of the individual and all manifestations of social life to the state power. This thesis is in line with the statement by Liu Guangyuan, China’s ambassador in Poland, stating in regard to recent events that: “Hong Kong must be ruled by patriots”. Reports from renowned research centers predict that the next decades of world politics will be marked by Washington’s competition with Beijing. The aggressive rivalry that turns into an open confrontation between the US, Western countries and China opens a dangerous new chapter in modern history.
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