Moral Approaches to the Term “Good Death”: The Case of Ángel Hernández and María José Carrasco
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
assisted suicide, euthanasia , good death, legalization, life, utilitarianismAbstrakt
The legalization of the so-called “good death” raises a moral debate in which society has not reached any common point. Those who confirm that it is an absolutely fundamental right for the common good confront with those who consider it a privation of the right to life. Through this research, it is intended to present the arguments for and against these practices. Furthermore, the aim is to defend the reasons why governments and society should fight for this legalization. In addition to supporting the position in those arguments in favor of these practices, the utilitarian perspective is key to reinforcing this position. Therefore, this theory defends that an action is correct if it is focused on increasing the general amount of pleasure and happiness.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Esther Muñoz Tovar

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