The role bonds in financing climate resilient economy
climate bond, environmental finance, low-carbon economyAbstract
Climate bonds are a new category of climate-related financial products in environmental finance. The validity of the emergence of climate bond market seems reasonable to attract private capital to finance climate-resilient economy and to make the recognition of green investment easier for potential investors. Investments in low-carbon assets and technology to meet the Kyoto Protocol targets or investments to adopt to extreme weather conditions are just examples of sources of the capital needed. Developing the potential of green bond market has not been fully exploited so far. In the future, the most important determinants to stimulate the growth of the market will be green standardizations that are currently under construction. Positive outlook also results from existence of institutional investors represents tens of trillion USD and intends to incorporate climate change into investment strategies. Not without significance is the fact that green sukuk will enlarge the spectrum of climate-related financial products.
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