Media Pressure and Carbon Disclosure of Indonesian Greenest Firms
carbon disclosure, voluntary, media exposureAbstract
Even with the advantages, carbon taxes are still one of the least effective instruments for climate policy. The purpose of this study is to examine the connection between non-mandatory carbon disclosures specifically in developing countries. This research sample is a green ranking company, and 108 data observations were carried out on 36 selected companies in the year between the Covid-19 out-break 2019-2021. Multiple linear regression testing is carried out to test the alleged hypothesis, by first testing the assumptions. The statistical results support the hypothesis that only legitimacy pressure (media exposure) increases corporate motivation to disclose carbon emissions. This study is novel because, while earlier research has mostly focused on the external factors that drive voluntary disclosure, our findings provide new perspectives and imply that media pressures offer a supplemental explanation for the variation in corporate carbon disclosure propensity that has been largely ignored in the body of existing literature. This suggests for the need to call for holistic mandatory disclosure requirements that encourage companies to participate in climate policy.
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