The Analysis of Financial Reporting Quality and Firm Value
accrual quality, earnings management, financial reporting quality, firm valueAbstract
The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of financial reporting quality on firm value. Financial reporting quality is measured using two proxies, accrual quality through Ball-Shivakumar Model (AQ) and earnings management through Modified Jones Model (EM). Firm value is measured using share price, Price to Book Value, Tobin’s Q, and Market Value-Added. Control variables used are leverage (Debt to Equity Ratio), profitability (Return on Asset), and firm size (ln total assets). This study focuses on manufacturing businesses that were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years 2018 and 2021. The sample was chosen through a purposive sampling technique, specifically targeting companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that operate in the manufacturing sector and provide audited financial statements. Analyzed the secondary data utilizing descriptive statistics, normality test, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing. The findings of this investigation are (1) AQ has no effect on share price, PBV, Tobin’s Q and MVA (2) EM has positive and significant effect on all proxies of firm value, except MVA. The quality of financial reporting, the level of leverage, the size of the firm, and its profitability all have a simultaneous and considerable impact on the value of the firm.
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