business model, strategy of enterprise, “upside – down” business orientation, “bottom- up” business orientation, monetarism, monetaristic thinkingAbstract
Consideration of the article is focused on the phenomenon of diversity of enterprises management operating in similar conditions under the choice of business model. The article is an attempt to demonstrate the impact of business model for perception of reality, adaptation to changes and implementation of a strategy. There are presented arguments showing that the orientation of the business model to the capital market has a direct impact on the operational activity and strategic options of the company. In the longer term it affects the nature of business and opportunities of its development.
This means that during the financial crisis and market distortions, the business model of the stock company may disturb operations and opportunities for its growth. This phenomenon is associated with “monetarist thinking” and acceptance of the processes of the “financialisation” of economy, which ignores real dimension of business. Business management focused on capital market may transmit negative signals not noticing the serious threats, the imbalance of economic structures, the collapse of economic equilibrium, lack of respect for the principles of the free market and the dominance of monopolistic structures, which falsify assumptions of market efficiency. In this connection, the question arises to what extent the enterprises performing the business model of the stock exchange operator are exposed to specific risks due to lack of stability of the financial markets.
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