Relationship between the Crimean Khanate and the Polish-Lithuanian State during the Reign of Devlet I Giray and Mehmed II Giray in Mühimme Defters
Crimean Khanate, Ottoman Empire, Cossacks, Tribute, mühimme deftersAbstract
Mühimme defters have a special place among all the archival material inherited from the Ottoman Empire. Recording copies of the decisions made in the Imperial Council, the highest administrative organ of the state, these defters contain important information not only about the domestic affairs of the Empire but also about its foreign policy. This study examines the relations between the Crimean Khanate and the Polish-Lithuanian State as reflected in mühimme defters from 1551 to 1584. Border disputes, annual payments made or not made by Poland to the Crimean Khanate, diplomatic relations, exchange of ambassadors, and the residence of Alp Giray and Selamet Giray in Poland were some of the main issues reflected in mühimme defters.
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