Maria Bogucka. A Woman Writing on the History of Women
Maria Bogucka, the history of women, families of Old Poland, customAbstract
Issues related to women’s history and feminism occupied a central place in Maria Bogucka’s research. It is not without significance that her work in this area corresponds to the dynamic development of research on the history of women in Western Europe and the United States. Women, often overlooked in historical research, represented important heroines not only as queens or saints, but also as characters whose group portrait was essentially worth recreating. Maria Bogucka looked to address women’s (and feminist) issues in biographies, monographs, articles and essays. To this end, she introduced the findings of foreign researchers into Polish historiography, and emphasised the specificity of the situation of women in Poland over the centuries.
Bogucka Maria, Gorsza płeć. Kobieta w dziejach Europy od antyku po wiek XXI (Warszawa, 2005).
Bogucka Maria, ‘Kwestia kobieca okiem historyka’, Teksty drugie, 4–5–6 (1993), 181–4.
Bogucka Maria, Między obyczajem a prawem. Kultura sarmatyzmu w Polsce XVI–XVIII wieku (Warszawa, 2013).
Bogucka Maria, Mizoginia (Warszawa, 2018).
Bogucka Maria, Staropolskie obyczaje w XVI–XVIII wieku (Warszawa, 1994).
Bogucka Maria, Woman in the History of Europe. From Antiquity till the Begin [sic!] of the XXIst Century (Warsaw, 2008).
Kizik Edmund, ‘Profesor Maria Bogucka (1929–2020)’, Studia Historica Gedanensia, xi (2020), 343–7.
Kuklo Cezary, ‘Badania nad historią kobiet w Polsce XVI–XVIII wieku w latach 2011–2020. Niezmienna atrakcyjność, ale czy nowe pytania?’, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, cvii (2020), 13–57.
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