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Smjernice za autore
Analecta Nipponica. Journal of Polish Association for Japanese Studies is the peer-reviewed (double-blind) journal covering all aspects, issues, and subjects, from all disciplines, on, and related to Japan, and consists of articles presenting results of original research as well as surveys of research, especially critical, in specific areas, publication reviews, biographical and bibliographical notes, reports on important academic meetings and other events.
The language of the journal is English (American or British, but please, be sure of the consistency of the selected orthography) and Japanese. Abstracts in Japanese are required for articles in English, and abstracts in English are required for articles in Japanese; key words should be supplied both in English and Japanese. Language correctness is the responsibility of the author(s), hence securing “native speaker” revision is requested prior to the submission of the material for publication. Ultimate decisions, however, belong to the Editor also in this respect. All permissions to include any material protected by copyright © must also be secured by the author(s).
All items, except for proper names, provided in languages other than English should be in italics and, in the case of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc., also in the original orthography. The transliteration of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc., material must be standard (i.e., e.g. Hepburn for Japanese, pinyin for Chinese, Cune-Reischauer for Korean, etc.), unless in quotations.
Please, note that priority of acceptance is given to PASJ members but submissions from nonmembers are accepted for consideration. Materials submitted cannot be either previously published or currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The volume of material is, in principle, not limited but it should not exceed reasonable number of pages. Acceptance decision belongs to the Editorial Board and, ultimately, to the Editor of the journal.
The material should be submitted electronically to the Editor and to the Secretary of the Editorial Board in the form allowing editorial intervention in the text and, separately – to ensure the full understanding of authors’ intentions, in type script version reflecting these intentions.
Technical information:
The type should be Times New Roman 12 pts., single spaced, on one page only in the typescript version. Footnotes, consecutively numbered throughout the material, should be typed in Times New Roman 10 pts.; no endnotes accepted. For Japanese, MS Mincho type is highly recommended. Text files: doc. rtf (Microsoft Word). Photos, graphic files: plik tif, bmp, eps, psd, cdr. References and source documentation should be provided preferably in the text in the sequence
Author year: page(s) in the following way (e.g.):
Tamura (2003:74) expressed opinion that…,
Tamura wrote: “…” (2003:74), in Tamura’s words; “…” (2003:74),
Some authors (e.g. Murata 1999, Tamura 2003, Murasaki 2008) are of the opinion that…;
in the case of more authors of one publication referred to, the sequence
Author et al. year:page(s) is, in principle, expected, cf. e.g.:
Murasaki et al. 2007; Murasaki et al. (2007:135-41), but in justified cases up to three names can appear in such a reference, cf. e.g.:
Murasaki & Murata 1999, Murasaki & Tamura 2002, Murasaki & Murata & Tamura (2004:171-6).
References with the same authorship and the same date should be differentiated with Roman characters <a>, <b>, <c>, etc, cf. e.g.:
Tamura 2005, Tamura 2005a:233, Tamura (2005b:94-7).
Bibliography must not be divided into parts unless justified and absolutely necessary.
Illustrations and tables should be numbered respectively and consecutively.
The editor must insist that every contributing work to this publication reveal all respective authors involved in the creation of the said work (including providing their specific affiliation and contribution, i.e., who is the author of the concept, background theories, method, protocol, etc., used in the publication), with the main responsibility falling to the author submitting the manuscript. These measures are put into place given that the so-called “ghostwriting” or “guest authorship” phenomena display the lack of academic integrity and all detected cases of such will be exposed, to the extent of informing the proper entities (institutions hiring the authors, academic associations, associations of academic editors, and so forth).
The editor will document all displays of academic misconduct, especially these breaking and infringing the ethics of proper scholarly research. The editor shall disclose information concerning the sources of funding for the publication, the input of research institutions, associations , and other entities (“financial disclosure”).