Revisiting the Import Demand Function: A Comparative Analysis
Exchange Rate, Import Demand Function, Real GDP, Relative PriceAbstract
This study attempts to revisit import demand function across three panels of frontier, emerging, and developed economy from 1980 to 2016. Long-run relationship exists among import demand, relative price, exchange rate, and real GDP in economy. Due to increase in real GDP, import demand responds positively across economies. It responds in same direction in short-run in frontier and emerging economies with relative price unlike that of long-run in same economies. However, it responds in same direction with relative price in developed economy. It moves in opposite direction with respect to movement in exchange rate of frontier economy unlike that of developed economy. Next, the behavior of import demand in short-run due to change in exchange rate varies from that of long-run in emerging economy. This study will help to predict the dynamics of import due to change in income level, relative price, and exchange rate at national and international level.References
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