Influence of ultra-small particles (10-20 nm) in the atmospheric air of Chernivtsi during intrauterine development on the course of sepsis in newborns
Neonatal sepsis, environmental factors, immunoglobulins, presepsin, interleukin-6, -8, -10, C-RPAbstract
Unfavorable environmental factors that affect parents cause impaired programmed development, the fetus, especially in its sensitive period. Even environmental factors of low intensity due to the bioaccumulation of xenobiotics in maternal tissues and their release to the bloodstream during pregnancy can have a pathogenic effect on the fetus, especially during sensitive periods of its development. To analyze the influence of the content of ultra-small particles (10-20 nm) in the atmospheric air during prenatal development on the course of sepsis in newborns. Based on the results of the analysis of content in the atmospheric air, two clinical observation subgroups were formed. The first subgroup included 17 patients with neonatal sepsis in whom the UFPs content in the air exceeded1.0 inone of the periods. The second subgroup consisted of 35 newborns with sepsis in whom the content of UFPs 10-20 nm in the atmospheric air was less than1.0 inone of these periods. The content in the atmospheric air of ultra-small particles (10-20 nm) during the sensitive period of pre-natal development did not significantly affect the gestational age of newborns, the content in their blood in the presence of sepsis of interleukins-6, -8, -10, pressepsin, procalcitonin, C-RP and immunoglobulins of classes A, G, M, as well as the duration of intensive care and inpatient care.
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