Sexism in the political discourse of Ukraine
sexism, politics, gender inequality.Abstract
The article is intended to analyze the phenomenon of sexism through the prism of political discourse in Ukraine. The specific purpose of the article was to review the involvement of women in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU) at the level of party lists, committees, the Office and permanent delegations. The problem of sexism among the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada was noted. The aim of the article was to consider the manifestations of sexism in the political sphere of Ukraine. Analysis of statistics has shown that the problem of sexism is relevant today. The author discusses the quantitative ratio of men and women among the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and politicians in general. Through interviews with female deputies, the author shows the problem of the discriminated. An analysis of recent media publications has shown us examples of sexism from top government positions. As a conclusion and recommendations, the author notes the need to develop a system of civic and political education on gender equality; develop curricula on the participation of women in politics aimed at both women and men; to carry out trainings and other types of support for women candidates; to advocate the improvement of the coverage of women-candidates in the media.References
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