The Attitude of Junior High School Students towards Certain Moral Norms Contained in the Ten Commandments
the Ten Commandments, religious socialization, religious education, moral education, normsAbstract
Some axiological and normative issues are now of high interest of the representatives of various branches of science, including educators and sociologists. Education for values is an integral part of humans’ education – and it becomes primarily the domain of religious education. The Decalogue (Greek: Ten words, “ten commandments”), as an expression of the fundamental duties of a man towards the God and towards one’s neighbour (morals), reveals serious commitments in its essential content. They are by their nature immutable and apply to believers always and everywhere.
The problem of the research is expressed in the question: what is the attitude of young people towards the moral norms contained in the Ten Commandments? The article presents the declared (theoretical) attitude of young people towards the moral norms contained in the Ten Commandments, and towards their real attitudes to life based on moral standards referring to the ten commandments of God. They are therefore the attitudes expressing a more practical dimension – implementation of norms revealed by God in a daily life.
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