Qualitative Research as an Area to Co-existence and Co-creation of the Subjects of Research – Pupils and Teachers. From a Teacher Filled with the Spirit of Research Through Living Laboratories to the Creative Research and the Research that Creates
qualitative research, subject of research, co-existence, co-creationAbstract
These aspects are not widely discussed in the methodological literature, meanwhile they are important for the emergence of synergy – a characteristic feature of qualitative research. The article also points to concepts that are important for the co-existence and co-creation of the research subjects – concepts of John McKernan that concern the teaching research in action and Living Laboratories, and creative research. The author’s concept is also presented – research that creates, whose special feature is the co-existence and co-creation of research subjects. Those aspects of qualitative research should be highlighted in wide seeing at teacher research in their own daily practice. In this job, all is the research – meeting the student, evaluation, improving teaching methods, etc.
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