Mikołaja Duthorowa error condemnatus ab Ecclesia. Dominikanie polscy wobec herezji i nowych nurtów pobożności w pierwszej połowie XIV w.
Mikołaj Duthorow and his error condemnatus ab Ecclesia. Polish Dominicans, Heresy, and New Piety Currents in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century
The purpose of this study is to analyse a fragment of the documents of a provincial chapter of the Polish Domicans from 1338, containing a poenitentia imposed on the Polish Dominican Mikołaj Duthorow and an ordinatio addressed to local representatives of the Inquisition. Mikołaj Duthorow was probably a member of the Dominican monastery in Gryfia (German: Greifswald), where as a preacher he voiced views regarded by his co-brethren as error condemnatus ab Ecclesia. A theological-historical analysis enabled Tomasz Gałuszka to show that the doctrine proclaimed by Mikołaj contains distinct references to the thoughts and activity of two German Dominicans: Master Eckhart of Hochheim and Heinrich Seuse. The case of Mikołaj Duthorow inclined the Polish chapter (1338) to take a closer look at the orthodoxy of the remaining members of the province. It thus transferred to papal inquisitors the right to trace and try those brethren whose lifestyle, religious practices, and views were evidently at odds with universally accepted monastic customs. The provincial chapter from 1338 addressed its edict to papal inquisitors, probably: Mikołaj, Jan Schwenkenfeld and Stanisław of Cracow. The process of entrusting them with potestas libera incarcerandi and inclusion into the Dominican penitentiary system was an important stage in the history of the papal Inquisition in Poland. From that time, the range of the activity of local inquisitors was almost un limited – they could deal not only with heretics sensu stricto but also with errantes within the province. The case of Mikołaj Duthorow comprises original evidence of the reaction of Polish Dominicans to new devotion currents appearing in the first half of the fourteenth century and accentuating mystical experiences, individualism, and emotional life.Pobrania
Jak cytować
GAŁUSZKA, Tomasz. Mikołaja Duthorowa error condemnatus ab Ecclesia. Dominikanie polscy wobec herezji i nowych nurtów pobożności w pierwszej połowie XIV w. Kwartalnik Historyczny [online]. 1 styczeń 2014, T. 121, nr 1, s. 73–106. [udostępniono 11.9.2024]. DOI 10.12775/KH.2014.121.1.03.
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