Comprehensive Rehabilitation After Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
ACL, knee, therapy, injuries, reconstructionAbstract
Introduction: The knee joint is the second most frequently injured joint. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a relatively common injury to the inner part of the knee joint, mainly related to contact sports. Its rupture leads to instability of the entire joint. Two treatment options are possible: operative or conservative. Each of them is related to an appropriate rehabilitation process. The aim of this study was to define a comprehensive rehabilitation plan in patients after ACL rupture and meniscal suturing.
Materials and methods: The work was written based on the medical history of the patient who was diagnosed with complete rupture of ACL, and then reconstruction was performed with the harvesting of a semitendinous and slender muscle graft.
Results: The rehabilitation process can be divided into two stages: hospital and post-hospital. Rehabilitation in hospital conditions begins on the zero day after arthroscopy. The main goals of rehabilitation include: increasing the range of mobility, no myofascial dysfunctions, no thromboembolic complications, and the ability to self-service.
Conclusion: Rehabilitation is an indispensable element of the treatment of patients after ACL reconstruction. Early initiation of rehabilitation brings tangible benefits during treatment and return to full physical fitness.
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