Trends in visits of Polish women to the gynaecological office
gynecologist, gynecological consultations, first gynecological examination, frequency of visits to the gynecologist, reasons for the visitAbstract
Gynaecological examination is one of the most intimate medical procedures. It is also a very important examination and should be performed every year. Women visit a gynaecologist for a variety of reasons, often in case of sudden pain. The aim of the study was to find out the reasons why women they report for visits to the gynaecologist and their frequency. The research was conducted on the group of 1,260 survey respondents. More than half of them visit a doctor each year. The most common reason for visiting a gynaecologist is a preventive visit. Our research confirms that the problem of too rare visits to the gynaecologist is still current. It is important to encourage visits by women who rarely come to the gynaecologist or never visit the gynaecologist.
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