Problemy archiwizacji i dokumentacji druków bibliofilskich na przykładzie prac Włodzimierza Rudnickiego
bibliophilic prints, bibliophily, Włodzimierz Rudnicki, archiving, compulsory copy, Jagiellonian Library, National Library, NUKATAbstract
Aim: Bibliophile publications are characterized by extraordinary aesthetic values. Włodzimierz Rudnicki's contribution to the creation of contemporary Polish bibliophile editions is significant. Although bibliophilic prints are subject to compulsory copy regulations, they are scarcely present in library collections.
Research method: Using the analytical, descriptive and historical-artistic methods, Rudnicki's design output was shown. Statistical material was collected by searching catalogue databases; then it was analyzed.
Results/Conclusions: Library resources are incomplete as far as the bibliophile publishing segment is concerned, which not only limits access to them, but it also constitutes a damage to archival material, preserved for future generations. To counteract this phenomenon, librarians must take other steps that go beyond the current legal system.
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