The impact of the exchange rate on the financial result of enterprises in the transport sector
correlation, exchange rate, financial result, transport industryAbstract
Motivation: Transport is one of the most important elements that have a major impact on economic development in various countries around the world. Among the main factors that affect the evolution of transport is the development of consumerism, globalization, as well as the modernization of road infrastructure. There are more and more transport companies on the market, which is supported by the dynamic pace of life and the provision of services in the shortest possible time, at the lowest possible price. Therefore, transport companies are a very important economic link. Many factors affect their economic condition, one of them being the exchange rate.
Aim: The aim of the article is to show the relationship between exchange rates and financial results of Polish enterprises in the transport sector. The analysis will show the profits and costs in relation to the exchange rates (Zloty to the Euro, US Dollar, British Pound and Swiss Franc). The expected research period will cover the years 2010–2017.
Results: The basis of the conducted analyzes will examined the dependence of the financial result (including revenues and costs) on the exchange rates (USD/PLN, EUR/PLN, GBP/PLN, CHF/PLN).
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