Stosunki litewsko-niemieckie w okresie międzywojennym w ocenie polskiego wywiadu wojskowego
Due to the difficult geopolitical situation of Poland in the interwar period, appropriate recognition of international relations between neighbours, was an important complement of foreign policy. On the political map of Central-Eastern Europe important role was played by the Weimar Republic, which, although the restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, was successfully pursuing an active policy, leading to preservation of its influences. One of its components was close political, economical and military cooperation with the Republic of Lithuania. Lithuanian-German cooperation became the object of interest to Polish military intelligence from the very beginning of its activity. Broad spectrum of questions, related to the works, ordered by the authorities, allowed multisurface search and work out the information. First of all attention was drawn to elements giving an evidence of anti-Polish activity. In 1920s problems of military cooperation were dominating. In this question undoubtedly an attempt, seemed as possible, to settle the Polish-Lithuanian conflict through military action was determinant. Section II of the General Staff of the Polish Army was interested in the vital issues of the German aid for the North- -Eastern neighbour in military equipment, as well as the qualified and specialized officers and non-commissioned officers. In 1930s problems of political and economical cooperation were dominating intelligence materials, incoming to the centre of Polish intelligence. It was associated with rapid changes in geopolitical situation, both in the context of internal and external politics of the Third Reich.
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