economic activity, social determinants, entrepreneurship, SMEAbstract
Entrepreneurship is a vital element of development of today’s economies. Its main objective is to undertake actions intended to ensure that economic resources of individual companies are coordinated in a pragmatic and productive manner. Entrepreneurship may be considered in two respects: (1) processes – activities aimed at forming and building a new company in certain conditions, with a view to generating profits, or (2) a set of traits and personalities – describing a particular human behaviour and action focused on innovation, ability to accept changes, spot opportunities, and take risks. Regardless of the multitude of definitions in the related literature, there is no doubt that in most cases the combination of these two economic and social components determines possible business success. Poles more and more frequently perceive the opportunities offered through the establishment of own business. Up to 63% of the public at large holds this view, placing Poland at the forefront among the European Union countries in this regard. The article attempts to examine the socio-economic determinants of respondents which affect Poles’ willingness to set up their own businesses.
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